A new version of the online calendar which includes the new features
This would be a game-changer for me - being able to have my work routines (created in app with the new routine feature) visible and get notifications on my laptop would mean I can put my phone aside at work so that I get distracted less! Alternatively a Mac app would be great!
I would really love when this web app is done that it get made into a Mac app (like canva and stuff where it’s still just the website but in an app) - being able to have an “app” helps me with planning a lot
And maybe not having to log in on the web version each time
Hey Johanna! Thank you so much for your feedback. We are looking into having the inbox sync properly, so this is on our radar.
You can actually drag tasks from the inbox into the week, we just need to optimize the usability to make it clearer. You drag the task from the corner of the card and drag it into the week day where you wish to place it, and then drop it there 🙏🏽
All the best
I love the web-based app (I already use Toggl Track for timing work on my laptop at work, so I’d love to have this running side-by-side in my web browser). But yes, once it can sync with calendar it’ll be much more helpful. Without the calendar sync, I’m still inclined to use the iPhone app.
How do I get to access to the web-based app? (i am a premium member)
It should be at https://webapp.tiimoapp.com last I checked, works for me atleast!
Yes, this is the go to place!
web app lookin’ good!
It would be nice if the calandar import on the mobile app would sync with the web app. Also, it would be nice if I could also get notifications on my computer about when tasks start and end.